sThis is a Dutch Oven cooking competition. Scouts will follow the rules below,
not the rules in the general Dutch Oven competition.

Your team may arrive as early as 8am on cookoff day to set up. There will be a meeting of all teams at 9am. You will begin food prep and cooking at 10am (no sooner). For the Chili cookoff you will have three hours to cook (until 1pm). Chili turn-in time begins at 1:10pm. For the Dutch Oven and Boy Scout categories, you will have four hours (until 2pm). Turn-in begins at 2:10pm for these categories.

1. A team may consist of a Troop or Patrol. An adult must supervise each team. Adult supervisors should provide minimal assistance to the Scout contestants. The adult’s primary purpose is for safety, particularly fire and hot coal safety and sanitation.

2. All contestants must be members of the Boy Scouts of America.

3. One team may enter a maximum of 2 dishes. One dish per category will be allowed for each team. You are not required to enter a dish in both categories. The categories are: Entree and Dessert.

4. Only team members and adult supervisors are allowed in the cooking area during the prep, cooking and judging period. One team member must remain in the cooking area at all times.

5. Know and practice safe food handling procedures. Review the sanitation and temporary food rules on the City of Rowlett website and consider them as part of the rules for this cookoff.

6. All food entered into the contest must be prepared onsite in a camp-style Dutch oven with legs using charcoal. No propane or electricity allowed. Propane may be used for heating water.

7. A copy of your recipe and ingredient list is required to be presented at the registration table when your team checks in.

8. Each team is responsible for providing all of their own cooking equipment and utensils and everything they will need to prepare their entry. Each team is also responsible for providing a three-stage washing station for utensils, etc.

9. All foods submitted for judging should be displayed in the Dutch Oven or on the lid.

10. Use common sense and be prepared.

If you are looking for recipe ideas, a quick Google search of Boy Scout Dutch Oven Recipes brings up many, many, many sites dedicated to cooking with a Dutch Oven.


Criteria for Judging: Each of the following categories will be judged for a maximum of five points (total of 20 points):

• Execution of the recipe
• Taste
• Difficulty/Complexity
• Presentation

Questions? Send Steve an email at: