by swalker2001 | May 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Y’all need to get out and vote tomorrow (May 6th) if you didn’t do it during the early voting period. Rumor has it that it won’t take very long. Here’s what’s up: Offices up for Election Places One, Three and Five City Council Candidates...
by swalker2001 | May 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Time is running out. We will have to go to the printer for t-shirts soon and if you want to sponsor the 2nd Annual Rebuild Rowlett 5K, you will need to act! I’d like to thank our sponsors so far: First of all, Southern Pride Openings for being our title sponsor!...
by swalker2001 | Apr 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Rowlett Mayor Todd Gottel Resigns to Run for County Commissioner Rowlett Mayor Todd Gottel resigns to pave the way for a run to fill the seat on the Dallas County Commissioner’s Court being vacated by Mike Cantrell, who won’t run for another term. Mayor...
by swalker2001 | Apr 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Rowlett Strong Stuff Did you know we have all kinds of shirts, mugs, stickers and other stuff you can purchase to show off the Rowlett Strong logo and help us continue to do what we do? Check out our shop at...
by swalker2001 | Apr 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
Rebuild Rowlett 5K Presented by Southern Pride Openings The Rebuild Rowlett 5K has been rescheduled to June 10th! It will start and end in front of the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce on Main Street. Please be there by no later than 7:30 am. Opening ceremony will be at...
by swalker2001 | Apr 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Rowlett Strong was formed to allow us to continue fundraising for those affected by the 12/26/15 tornado that ravaged Rowlett and North Texas. We have raised over $50,000 through several events to help those displaced by the tornado get back in their homes where they...
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